
Happy Thanksgiving - Stop Motion Video

OMG. You are all the best. I'm glad this has entertained you all. It was a lot of fun to make.
Thanks YouTube for the feature, but more importantly I want to thank TheFamousStacie. She the reason this video was featured because she brought it to the attention of the powers that by.
So, thanks to everyone and a Happy Thanksgiving :)

It's a little early, but since Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday, I decided to create a little more silliness to get everyone else in a Thanksgiving mood.

Author: MentalLapse

Keywords: time lapse timelapse stop motion thanksgiving turkey gobble pumpkin pie eat headless

Added: November 11, 2007

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Published by xFruits
Original source : http://youtube.com/?v=1CndP1fYC0M...