What does Bangladesh have to do with Super Tuesday? Watch and find out. For more info on what I'm doing in Bangladesh check out my blog at http://uncultured.com
The candidates specifically mentioned in this video include (in order):
John McCain (R): http://johnmccain.com/
Hillary Clinton (D): http://www.hillaryclinton.com/
Ron Paul (R): http://www.ronpaul2008.com/
All music used in this video is licensed under the Creative Commons and include:
"How Far" by Jamison Young (CC-BY)
"Shower Scene (No Vox)" by Josh Woodward (CC-BY-SA-NC)
"Spirit World (No Vox)" by Josh Woodward (CC-BY-SA-NC)
This video is licensed under the Creative Commons (BY-SA-NC)
This video also uses clips from the 2006 Notre Dame Forum. These short excerpts have been used with written permission from the University of Notre Dame's Office of Public Affairs and Communication.
For information on John McCain's adopted daughter, check out this interview he did regarding fatherhood:
I actually wanted to go visit the orphanage which John McCain adopted Bridget from so I could put a video about it on YouTube. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any specific information. I have tried to get in touch with the McCain Campaign though - but nothing yet.
Thanks for the feature YouTube!
I just thought I'd give a shout out to some of my favorite (and really supportive) YouTubers:
There are a few others but these guys are the ones that I can't forget to mention :-)
Author: UnculturedProject
Keywords: Super Tuesday John McCain Hillary Clinton Ron Paul Bangladesh Poverty Notre Dame Jeffrey Sachs Jenkins H5N1
Added: February 4, 2008