
Stuck in Vermont 75: Jr Iron Chef

4/12/08: Mmm, something smells good. Middle and high school students from all over the state of Vermont compete in a cooking competition which aims to celebrate local food, showcase VT seasonal produce and promote healthy local-food dishes in schools.

Competitors vary from professional chefs in training to novices but all share an appreciation for VT veggies and creative cuisine.

Vermont is building solid connections between farms, schools and students' plates and championing the nation's localvore movement.


Music: The Smittens, A Little Revolution, "The Garden"
iron che
Location: Champlain Valley Exposition, Essex Junction, Vermont

Author: StuckinVermont

Keywords: iron chef food local vermont middle high schools cooking localvore cafeteria vegetables smittens stuck seven days

Added: April 16, 2008

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Published by xFruits
Original source : http://youtube.com/?v=52sPm16FOP4...