Hello! My name is Kelsey Wild!
I'm a seventeen-year-old singer/songwriter hoping to pursue music. I've been playing and writing for a few years-I'm currently independently recording my first EP, which is due at the end of the summer!
You can listen to me at http://www.myspace.com/kelseywild!
Special thanks goes to Patty D for wearing short shorts, Joel for helping me record, and to my family for tolerating my sailor's mouth every time the computer crashed.
To make my video, I recorded my vocals on my laptop, lip-synched to them, and then edited the film. Over the last month I filmed for six hours, recorded for one, and edited for about seven. It was a labor of love! I had so much fun.
Ever since a friend played 'Lost in Space' in my car a few years ago, Aimee Mann has been the part of the soundtrack to my life. That album, and everything after, has been embedded into me so much that her music has become a little part of who I am.
P.S. If you like my music... please VOTE FOR ME TO PLAY LOLLAPALOOZA!
Follow the link:
Thanks everyone!
Author: kelseywild
Keywords: Aimee Mann Kelsey Wild Alternative Freeway Unsigned
Added: July 5, 2008