FRONTLINE's critically acclaimed series "The Choice" returns this election season to examine the rich personal and political biographies of John McCain and Barack Obama in "The Choice 2008." The film draws on in-depth interviews with the advisers, friends and those closest to the candidates, as well as with seasoned observers of American politics, who together tell the definitive story of these men and their ascent to their party's nominations.
Watch "The Choice 2008" throughout the election season:
•Check local listings for national television rebroadcasts on local PBS stations Sun, Oct 26 and Mon, Nov 3.
•Watch on Elections '08 On Demand digital cable VOD channel. Check with your local cable provider for details.
•Beginning Oct 15, watch online at
Author: PBS
Keywords: pbs frontline election vote 2008 presidential candidates mccain obama biography documentary biden palin choice
Added: October 15, 2008