
The Way to a Man's Heart is Through His Stomach

I've never decorated a cake before but the challenge sounded fun so I took a whack at it!

I watch Ace of Cakes religiously so as soon as I saw the challenge, I ran to the store and bought all the cake decorating stuff I could find!

I've also never painted so I had to buy brushes for the details... It took forever to paint the swirls on!

I really liked making this so perhaps I'll look into pastry schools?? idk...

Author: Raybaybay89

Keywords: Rachael Scharett Raybaybay89 Ace of Cakes Valentines Day Cake Competition

Added: February 10, 2009

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Published by xFruits
Original source : http://youtube.com/?v=dVU8D3ceU0s...