
Spaceship Excellent - Episode 1: Black Rock City, Nevada

Tune in for weekly episodes on the Spaceship Excellent youtube page (or on spaceshipexcellent.com) from September through December as the spacemen travel across the United States playing music from the top of a tour bus in search of the leader of Planet Earth!

Episode 1 takes place in Black Rock City, Nevada. Spaceship Excellent crash landed into the desert on planet Earth. Space travelers crawled free from the debri in their new human suits. They eagerly sought the leader of this solar system. Instead, the found a city full of dust and glow sticks, full of impossible inventions. Apprehensions clouded their consciousness as they anticipated their first interactions with the inhabitants of this strange world. Would the humans discover their alien origins? Would the humans reject their offerings and wage war on their galaxy? Find out in the first episode of Spaceship Excellent!

The musical Spacemen are on a mission to explore the galaxy of the United States in search of the leader of the solar system. They travel in a spaceship bus, a mobile laboratory used for inspecting foreign towns and inhabitants. The viewpoints they collect become raw material for their live shows, where their experience becomes one with their audience. The mission will culminate in the nations capital on Election Day, when the new leader will be named.

This is a tour of cosmic proportions that is soon to become the worlds first ever Interactive Rockumentary. Each venue and person they meet on the way will set the stage for this cultural phenomenon, and they want you to be a part of it. ALL ABOARD.


Author: SpaceshipExcellent

Keywords: spaceship excellent rockumentary tour web series tv show beaujangles jj mooon pakwit nichron rosho royce shorter band rock space interactive cross country leader united states

Added: September 10, 2008

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Published by xFruits
Original source : http://youtube.com/?v=LNVFoMTk158...