
Irish jigs on Nintendo DS (Daigasso Band Brothers)

I finally found an instrument I can play at night without waking up the neighbours. It's the DS game "Daigasso Band Brothers".
And here I try to play some jigs before messing up. I think they are:
The Lark on the Strand / Killavil Jig / Jim Ward's / Geese in the Bog.
Many mistakes but it's quite hard with all the ornaments and the speed so I guess it's good enough for a few days of practice. (Damn, I failed the F# attempt...)(By the way, I was holding the camera with my neck.)

(I know, I know, I have one-month-old messages that I haven't replied yet, but one day I will.)

Author: TinWhistler

Keywords: daigasso band brothers nintendo ds traditional irish celtic music jigs

Added: November 17, 2007

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Published by xFruits
Original source : http://youtube.com/?v=MEk-gj0douk...