
The Young Hardworking Poor of Rural Bangladesh

The poor aren't lazy.

In this video I meet 30 kids who were forced to choose between either putting food on the table or getting an education. They are able to study part-time (for two hours each day) because local community members in this rural village pooled their money to form an informal school. The school teacher teaches these children English, Bengali, and Math all for a salary of $15 a month.

For more information about what I'm doing in Bangladesh, check out my blog at:


In the video, one of the kids said he sells "paan". Here is some info on what that is:


The music in this video (in order used) are:

"How Far" - Jamison Young

"Love" - The Umbrellas

"Goodbye to Spring" - Josh Woodward

"Thinking of You" - The Umbrellas

Music by Jamison Young and Josh Woodward are used under a Creative Commons license. You can download their music for free at:

Jamison Young:

Josh Woodward:

Music by The Umbrellas is copyright of The Militia Group. Used with written permission.

This video is free for you to use and share under a Creative Commons license (BY-NC-SA).

Author: UnculturedProject

Keywords: UnculturedProject Bangladesh Poor Poverty Children Kids Education Madhupur Third World School Teacher

Added: March 16, 2008

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Published by xFruits
Original source : http://youtube.com/?v=a9IS-3Z5EC4...