
'Get Outta Our Town (Caucus Lament)'

By Jason Walsmith/The Nadas and Kyle Munson/The Register
This tongue-in-cheek tune was written as an alternate take on the current climate of caucus frenzy in Iowa - a satirical anthem of sorts. The process: Munson was seeking a local musician to produce such an anthem. Walsmith of Des Moines rock band the Nadas was game and suggested a title and melody. The pair hashed out the lyrics. Singer-guitarist Walsmith performed the song in the middle of the Des Moines Register newsroom/info center.

Author: iowacaucuses

Keywords: Iowa Caucuses Des Moines Register YouTube Obama Oprah Huckabee Chuck Norris Kevin Bacon Hillary song anthem satire

Added: December 25, 2007

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Published by xFruits
Original source : http://youtube.com/?v=yU8QDDrDbnc...