
Darius Goes West: The Vehicle

Be sure to check the annotations to see Darius play guitar, drums, and sing at the same time!

Order your DVD at:
or call 1-888-8DARIUS.

Darius and his crew are back on the road! They have just begun their national tour, and are likely to be visiting your town.

Visit http://www.dariusgoeswest.org for screening information, more videos, pictures, and stories from the road.

Progress towards the million DVD goal is also updated daily on the site.

Embedding and sharing this video really helps the cause.


Author: dariusgoeswest

Keywords: darius goes west the one million dvds duchenne muscular dystrophy pimp my ride wheelchair

Added: May 14, 2008

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Published by xFruits
Original source : http://youtube.com/?v=t2yoOlicmww...