
Laços (Ties) - Project: Direct

A gente ganhou o Project:Direct. Obrigada a todo mundo que votou. A gente nunca imaginou que fosse chegar até aqui, mas se a gente chegou, a culpa é toda de vocês. Vocês foram todos incríveis. Nem sabemos o que dizer. Para ver o vídeo anunciando os vencedores, é só entrar em: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNRwB1i-e-c
Obrigada. Mesmo.

A quem pediu a letra da música, aqui vai (estamos trabalhando em disponibilizá-la para download):


I could go to Australia
I could fly to Japan
Could go to South America
Well, everybody can

Could run like hell to China
I could go to Egypt
Could run like a late rabbit and I wouldn't move one bit

I'm stuck here in the darkness
Blinded by all the light
Standing outside my body with my body still in sight

I could travel the whole world
I could just stand up still
And that's, I know, an image that would make some people ill

Someday somebody said to me
I think it was a man
"As long as you're okay with it"
And that I think I am.

Author: celioclarice

Keywords: project direct brasil laços

Added: November 9, 2007

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Published by xFruits
Original source : http://youtube.com/?v=gl74J-aAnfg...