
Schizophrenic snowflakes (original)


This is a song I composed back in winter. I was intrigued by the thought of snow and was looking at a picture of Mochi in her winter clothes. This song reminds me of our happier days and also the not so happy ones. Which is why I titled the song "Schizophrenic snowflakes"

The song goes from a Major key to Minor and back throughout the whole song. I thought it was kinda cool. I guess it represents the good times, to bad, and back to good again. The beginning riff is supposed to create an image of snowflakes falling. Due to my inspiration of the snow on Mochi's winter clothes. Plus, the song gives you the feel like you're ice skating.

Please enjoy my original composition. Lemme know what you think.

Also check out http://www.ukuleleunderground.com

A shout-out to everyone from the community!

Also, help out my buddy Dustin youtube.com/tsud123

Let's give him a vote or two ya?



Author: ukuleleoversoul

Keywords: aldrine guerrero original ukulele schizophrenic snowflakes acoustic ukuleleunderground underground

Added: April 25, 2008

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Published by xFruits
Original source : http://youtube.com/?v=yGJduc5_URA...