
DEVELOPED Project direct finalist 09

Please vote for this film at the Project Direct site.. http://youtube.com/projectdirect

Hi, this is our entry for the sundance short film comp.. it does have a red phone in, though it is only red at the end, and is also covered in cling film, hope ok..the other props are the poloroids and the silver lighter. The director who I collaborated with the film on is Richard lawson, to see more of his work visit this BBC link... http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/filmnetwork/A28654248

Author: antnhec

Keywords: newcastle "richard lawson" anton hecht project direct thriller girl art director horror

Added: December 13, 2008

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Published by xFruits
Original source : http://youtube.com/?v=qqCAgJGf-tg...