
A Fight for the Land

The city of Lawrence, Kansas wants to build a trafficway through an area of wetlands south of the Haskell Indian Nations University campus. The students of Haskell have filed a lawsuit temporarily blocking the trafficway, but the state is still looking for ways to get around it. The area is considered historic to the school and to alumni and students. This fight is not new though as many tribes are fighting state, local and federal governments to keep lands they consider sacred from being developed. From the San Francisco Peaks in Arizona, to the Comanche in Oklahoma where they want to build a base in a place they pray, to building nucleaur repositories in the Moutains in Nevada, Native American lands are consistently being taken for uses that destroy their uniqueness. This video is dedicated to all those who fight for their lands and those students at Haskell who consistently keep that fight going to the next group of students who come through. Vote at http://www.youtube.com/projectreport for this video and also to see the round one vids

Author: skycitygirl

Keywords: Haskell/Baker wetlands South Lawrence Trafficway Haskell Indian Nations University projectreport

Added: November 9, 2008

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Published by xFruits
Original source : http://youtube.com/?v=mPLy2q68mK8...