
Mothers of Violence: New Orleans, LA

New Orleans continuously ranks as one of the most violent cites in America. In 2006, it was ranked as having the highest murders per capita in the US, and in 2007 the murder rate increased by 30 percent. "Hurting Mothers Because of Violence" is a support group for mothers of murder victims. It was started at The New Hope Baptist Church by Desiree Watson after her son was killed. By sharing their stories, the woman portrayed in this piece hope they are showing other mothers and family members affected by violence that they are not alone.

Vocal performance of the gospel standard "How I Got Over" performed by Linda Campbell

This is an entry in Project:Report:


I would like to thank everyone involved.

Author: vanessatolino

Keywords: children Mothers violence guns murder New Orleans crime justice Vanessa Tolino moms kids grief drugs documentary reporter

Added: November 9, 2008

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Published by xFruits
Original source : http://youtube.com/?v=qIpslUUw7mg...