
5 More Friends

Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Cruise, Cameron Diaz, Snoop Dogg, Harrison Ford, Julia Roberts, Ben Stiller, Will Smith, Steven Spielberg, Justin Timberlake, along with Sacha Baron Cohen as Borat, Zach Braff, Colin Farrell, Neil Patrick Harris, Scarlett Johansson, Shia LeBeouf, Tobey Maguire, Ryan Reynolds, and Jason Segal, are featured in a second of a series of public service announcements to encourage American youth to vote in partnership with Google, YouTube, Declare Yourself, and MySpace. The non-partisan PSAs, produced by DiCaprios Appian Way, were created to engage and inspire young people to vote and participate in the upcoming election.

Author: 5friendsvote

Keywords: Tom Cruise Cameron Diaz Leonardo DiCaprio Snoop Dogg Harrison Ford Julia Roberts Ben Stiller Will Smith Steven Spielberg Justin Timberlake Sacha Baron Cohen Borat Zach Braff Colin Farrell Neil Patrick Harris Scarlett Johansson Shia LeBeouf Tobey Maguire Ryan Reynolds Jason Segal voting Barack Obama John McCain register to vote how presidential election friends

Added: October 29, 2008

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Published by xFruits
Original source : http://youtube.com/?v=_TGf2o4qeBo...