
scacchi clay stop motion - chess clay stop motion

animazione in claymation della partita a scacchi
Roesch - Willi Schlage (Hamburg, 1910)
usata e modificata da Stanley Kubrick per il film
"2001 Odissea nello Spazio" nella partita disputata fra l'astronauta Frank Poole e HAL-9000 il Super Computer.

claymation of the chess game Roesch - Willi Schlage (Hamburg, 1910).
The position after 13...Bh3, and the ones that follow, were used in Stanley Kubrick's movie "2001: A Space Odyssey" for the game between Frank Poole and the HAL-9000 Super Computer.

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Author: ricx78

Keywords: scacchi clay stop motion chess animazione anime sperimentale claymation art

Added: April 2, 2008

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Published by xFruits
Original source : http://youtube.com/?v=YXM3wrIhcwY...